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Studies show that women consistently undervalue and undersell themselves and that the gender gap is, in part, a confidence gap. In this practical, interactive session we will do a deep dive into ways to combat our confidence demons.

Want to get better at asking for what you want, saying no to things, and how to stop apologizing (yep, if that's you, you are not alone!)? You'll come away with quick and easy tools to help you. And something to help you go into challenging situations with more self-belief. There will be time to meet people and network woven into the session and you'll come out of it ready to own the room and boss your life just that little bit more than you do already.

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Madeleine Geach is a business and personal coach who also works in (and loves) the hospitality industry. Alongside her current role as Head of Culture at Hawksmoor she coaches hospitality leaders, founders and entrepreneurs. Her main work is helping them take a step back from the frenetic world of opening and running successful restaurants; giving them time and space to get clear on where they want to get to and how to get there.



Please RSVP, we will send a ZOOM link around on the day of the event as well as list it here in the portal.